Cable assembly
Always well-connected

In our cable division we develop, manufacture and sell high-quality sets of cable and cable harnesses since 2000. Primarily they are used in agricultural and construction machinery, special purpose machinery as well as civil aviation. The latter shows the high quality demands of our cable assembly. Furthermore we manufacture standardised sets of cable and cable harnesses for connecting a variety of electronic devices.
Sets of cable

Due to continuous proceeding of automation in all branches of industries the demand of cable sets increases
daily. In this area we manufacture: LiYY, LiYCY, Cat5-7, ribbon cable, modular cable and data cable. The possibilities of the applicationspecific connectors are almost endless. With our sets of cable every electrical signal will be forwarded optimally to the next electronic assembly. A 100% electrical fi nal check is self-evident for us.
Cable harnesses

Our cable harnesses are used in applications with multiple point-topoint or point-to-area connections. Due to the construction method they are able to transfer larger amounts of electrical charge than sets of cable. Additionally our cable harnesses withstand higher mechanical loads. Similar to our sets of cable our cable harnesses use connectors from wellknown manufacturers like Molex, Amp, Deutsch and many more.